Asset Direct
Sep 26, 2022
A Not from Our CEO: The Changing Financial Landscape & What That Means for Asset Direct
As someone who grew up with a father in the financial industry, I've always been aware of the importance of financial literacy. However, I feel that there is one other factor to that that’s often overlooked - accessibility. It’s like the age-old idea that you need 5 years experience to get the job, but you need to get the job to get the experience. The same sentiment applies to finances and credit; banks and lenders want to see your credit history before they lend to you, but you can’t build a credit history without proving you can pay back the loan.
This is where my inspiration came from to start LoanConnect; what if everyday people had access to alternative financing solutions at the tip of their fingers? That was seven years ago. Now, in 2022 we have Asset Direct, doing business as LoanConnect in Canada, and a wholly owned subsidiary operating in India, CreditLinks.
It has been our mission from the start to connect everyday people with alternative lenders who want to lend to them. Options for individuals from super prime to subprime and everything in between. We have reached success in Canada as being one of the premier loan search engines across the country. Our expansion into India has brought about a whole new world of possibility, reaching those that are new to credit, or credit invisible, and giving them an outlet to build their credit score and history. Or in relation to the analogy above - getting them the job with no experience.
CreditLinks is creating a network of merchants who can help bring our financial resources to their customers in local communities across India. These agents are trusted individuals who run corner stores and shops that the customers in need frequent on a regular basis. Our platform enables these stores to sell loans, insurance, and other credit products, providing their customers with much-needed access and bringing them into the broader world of banking.
Growing up in a financial household in North America I understood the way traditional banking worked. You have one account, with one institution and you access all your financial products from one place. After working in a global market, where financial needs and accessibility are different, it is clear to me that it’s time to shake up the traditional.
Asset Direct is working on something that I believe could truly revolutionize the way people bank around the world. We are using our growing global marketplace of financial & insurance products and services to work towards something that traditional banks haven’t quite delivered - true personalization.
You may think of your banking experience and remember a time you were offered a travel credit card because you fly a lot. Or a cash back option because you do a lot of online shopping. Great examples of how your bank has offered you products that might match your needs. But the level of personalization we’re talking about offering is beyond specific product features.
This expansion will not change our original mission - to provide access to financial products at your fingertips. We are simply broadening what is available, and to whom. Opening up our marketplace to offer further financial and insurance products and services, from thousands of providers globally. Our marketplace will break down the limitations of availability through a single institution and continue to offer best-match results for all products. Take the same ease of application and funding that we offer with loans and apply that across the financial landscape. Personalized search results, and customizable products.
We are creating something that will take the traditional banking system of our parents’ generation and turn it on its head. We are a solution built by everyday Canadians, with the potential to change the lives of everyday people around the globe. Will you join us as we build the largest marketplace of financial products and services in the world? If you are interested in learning more about investing in Asset Direct, please reach out to us at