Affiliates choose Asset Direct because we understand the goal of monetizing your customers, while still delivering an outstanding customer experience. When leads get converted into loans, you get paid.
But we also understand that working with lenders can be tough because they love leads, but hate to pay for them. Asset Direct takes care of that connect for you. By partnering with multiple lenders, covering every segment on the credit spectrum, your customers will see multiple loan offers, no matter their credit situation.
Working with us, and our lender network, creates a far higher likelihood that your customers are going to be approved, compared to a single sourced lender platform.
Let us work with the lenders, and improve your chances of monetizing your leads.
Why Affiliates Work With Asset Direct
Full Spectrum Lending for All Consumers
We have lenders that will service leads you send us, from bad credit all the way to excellent. And multiple lenders at that.

We even have solutions, that still earn you commission, for credit repair programs and debt counselling. Should a customer ultimately not qualify for a loan at this time, they still have options.
Why would you send your leads anywhere else?
Think about it - if you send a lead to a search engine served by a single lender, that lender will likely only service one segment of the credit spectrum. And if your lead doesn't fit into that narrow window, they are declined. How does that benefit you?
Our industry leading search comparison and recommendation API matches your lead with multiple lenders "most likely" to convert - wherever your leads fall in the credit spectrum. Single source lending competitors simply can't compete.
Personalized, Pre-Approved, and Optimized Lead Results = Fewer Declines​​
Only Asset Direct truly optimizes lead conversion so that you get paid!